What Does TFF Do?
We Promote
American Hardwoods
TFF serves hardwoods, timber, and lumber companies and organizations by developing dynamic, modern media meant for public consumption. We create educational videos, promotional content, and more.
We Help
Educate the Public
The Timber & Forestry Foundation, or TFF, develops campaigns employing modern marketing and educational tactics to reach into U.S. and international markets and encourage national and worldwide demand for American hardwood products.
All TFF programs and efforts are intended to educate the public and encourage national and worldwide demand for American timber products.
Ad Campaigns
TFF develops advertising and promotions campaigns to influence the design choices of the public, and to encourage national and worldwide demand for American timber and hardwood products and other sustainably managed, legally harvested timber products.
A prime example of an industry coming together to promote its various products: “The Fabric of Our Lives” campaign by the cotton industry. The campaign’s goal was to influence consumer demand for cotton, as synthetic fabrics were encroaching on cotton’s market share, and it was a massive success; forty years ago, cotton had about a third of the market. Now, it commands about two-thirds.
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Architectural and Design Outreach Programs
Currently missing from industry efforts is architectural outreach, specifically the promotion of sustainably managed hardwoods in our biophilically designed built environments with a message about its role in improving the health and well-being of those who inhabit those spaces while improving the life of the planet.
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Social Media Campaigns